I walked to Coolidge Corner yesterday. That's where the shops are. The top picture is my attempt to show you that when snow gets muddy, it's a yucky brown. This is to make your impression of snow a little more realistic :) On the bottom right, you'll see a T stop and a T (that's what they call the trains here, the Boston version of the MRT). The T's pretty convenient for us because we live close to one and it brings us to downtown Boston and other places. My only gripe is that it is arranged in a fan shaped pattern radiating out from the center of Boston. So, if you want to travel vertically between lines without a car, it may be faster to walk or take a bus.
I've also set up a tagboard (special thanks to Tessa here, who gave me a powerpoint tutorial, which was essentially an idiot's guide to cbox) so you can leave comments there. That way, I can reply!
I wish I could be at church this sunday to see the new place...
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