Wednesday, July 15, 2009

White chocolate lemon cheesecake

I think I've turned to baking as a form of escape. It's kinda therapeutic actually and interestingly, like pottery, the cakes only turn out well if I'm calm. I think that I'm not too good with handling negative emotions so busying myself with activities seems to provide temporary if only short-lived peace. It's a little dramatic to liken it to the calm before the storm but I think that the problem usually returns to haunt.
I was reminded of my "peacelessness" yesterday when we attended our first cell group. It was good to be back in a cell group plus one of our friends cooked a really delicious dinner and I tried my first beetroot brownie (which was quite interesting).
We talked about joy and how Christian joy persists despite turmultuous external circumstances because it comes from the Holy Spirit. It dawned on me that I've been quite devoid of that joy for some time now and I was wondering how I could "get it back". I think I'm going to spend more time reading the Bible and praying. Reading the bible usually helps me look at my circumstances from a clearer and more macroscopic perspective. Praying, I believe, helps to change that which I have no control over. The interesting thing is that though I know the better solution, I usually persist in my quick fixes. Maybe it's a form of escapism, because being quiet and reading the bible forces me to reflect and face the problems and deal with them. Well, I'm glad we went to cell.
As for this cheesecake, it tastes as good as it looks! Light and creamy with a lemony aftertaste. Credit goes to the Peabody's website, from whom I copied the recipe. For those of you who want to try it (it's simple, no baking involved!), here's the link to the recipe:
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